

 >School:中國語言文學 >Subject:華製新漢語及中文固有語 >華製新漢語及中文固有語/其他用詞/聯合國文件


【聆悉、業已聆悉】having heard、

【備悉】having taken cognizance、noting、notes、having received、

【鑒於】考慮到considering、keeping in mind、taking into account、whereas、noting with concern、noting with grave concern、mindful、recognizing、bearing in mind、

【請】requests、reminds、invites、calls upon、

【特別注意】in particular taking note of、

【切望】being solicitous、






【為此】to this end、



【同次會議】at the same meeting、

【依據】in virtue of、


【業已收到】having received、


【業已察悉】having taken due notice、

【業已接獲並審查、業已收到並審查】having received and examined、


【業已審議、業經審議】已經審議、having considered、審議了、

【爰決議】it is resolved、



【促請】呼籲calls upon、urges、

【欣悉】notes with satisfaction、


【收悉】having received and taken note、

【獲悉】having taken note、noting with concern、


【業已接受】having accepted、



【審議並確定】consideration and determination、




【業已接獲並審議、業已收到並審議】having received and considered、



【業已充分注意】having taken due notice、

【悉】注意到taking note、

【並要求】further requests、




【堅信】being strongly of the opinion、





【業已鑒悉、業已閱悉】having taken note、


【籲請】appeals、呼籲calls upon、

【於執行】in the exercise、





【責成】calls upon、directs、

【要求】calls upon、



【敦請】calls upon、

【茲緊急呼籲】addreses an urgent appeal to、





【驚悉】deeply shocked by、

【查悉】notes with concern、



【經……決定】having decided、


【不妨礙】without prejudice、

【希望】expresses the hope、









【至深感謝】extends its best thanks、



【要求】calls for、

【業已斷定】having determined、

【業已要求】having called for、

【已促請】having called upon、




【計及】考慮到taking into consideration、taking into account、







【察悉並核准】noting with approval、

【欣悉】notes with gratification、

【復悉】noting further、



【復憶】recalling further、


【驚聞】遺憾地注意到noting with regret、

【嘉許】records its gratitude、appreciating、

【鑒於】in view of、


【亟欲便利】desirous of facilitating、


【相信】relies on、


【表示最強硬之譴責】expresses the strongest censure、


【再請】calls again upon、

【深信】expresses its conviction、

【查悉】taking note、

【亟望】taking note、


【接獲】noting received、

【欣悉】notes with approval、


【念及】bearing in mind、

【贊同】expresses its concurrence、



【表示嚴重關切】expresses its grave concern、


【對於……至感關切】noting with grave concern、


【惟查】noting, however、




【審悉】taking into account、

【業已接到並備悉……至感欣慰】having received and noted with appreciation、

【對……表示感謝】expressing its thanks to、

【欣悉】observing with appreciation、

【復悉】observing further、


【念及】recalling、mindful、having in mind、

【業已審查】having considered、having examined、




【獲悉……深表哀惜】遺憾地注意到noting with regret、


【深信】being convinced、convinced、believes、

【尤其感覺】being especially aware、

【同時表示】noting at the same time、


【鑒及……頗感滿意】滿意地注意到noting with satisfaction、


【業已聽取】having heard、

【對……備極關懷】deeply concerned、

【聞悉】注意到takes note、

【悼悉】遺憾地注意到noting with regret、

【獲悉……不勝遺憾】having learnt with deep regret、

【案查】recalling、taking note、

【查悉……深以為憾】noting with deep regret、

【堅決反對、強烈抗議】strongly deprecates、

【並反對】further deprecates、


【對……深切憂慮】being deeply concerned、



【察悉】noting with concern、

【業經檢討】having examined、





【迫切促請】urgently calls upon、

【業經審議】having considered、

【更加確信】being strengthened、

【確切深信】expressing the firm、

【鄭重號召】solemnly calls upon、


【對……深表嘉許】expressing its deep appreciation、


【促請】calls for、

【對於……深切感謝】renewing the expression of its deep appreciation、

【追念】paying tribute、

【對……表示滿意】expressing satisfaction、

【嚴重關切】being gravely concerned、

【迫切重申】urgently reiterates、


【再度號召】reaffirms its call upon、


【重新表示深為感謝】renewing the expression of its deep appreciation、


【深感不安】deeply disturbed、









【業已鑒悉】having taken cognizance、

【業已討論】having discussed、


【嚴重關懷】gravely concerned、



【敦促】calls upon、




【擬具建議】draw up proposals、


【本其維持國際和平與安全之實任】under its responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security、




【廣次企圖】repeatedly tried to、

【均未奏效】had met with no success、

【俾】so that、in order that、

【此項情勢】the situation、

【致函】submitting a communication、

【無異議】without objection、

【指稱】pointed out that、


【初非理事會所可置議】was not proper for discussion by the Council、

【提出佐證資料以實己議】had submitted material in support of its contention、

【初步商權】preliminary consideration、

【堅主】felt strongly that、


【陳述其主張】state their case、

【事實眞相公諸世界】bringing the facts out before the world、

【稱】stated that、

【提出陳述之權】the right to be heard、

【謂】explained that、

【於討論之初】at the outset of the discussio、


【提議】moved that、

【理事會就該聲訴所擧行之討論】the discussions of the Security Council concerning those complaints、

【由主席建議】At the suggestion of the president、

【被邀】were invited to、

【以言詞發表意見】make oral observations、



【實體問題之商討】Discussion of substantive questions、

【代表所持見解】The position of the representative、

【見】was expressed in、





【國境】territory land、


【視需耍自行酌定】as they consider necessary、


【商定】be decided in agreement、

【藉資】in such a way as to、


【受阻撓以致不克於】been prevented from、

【蘇聯地帶】USSR zone、




【即令】immediately instructed、

【覆稱】reply stated that、


【遇此情形】In that event、

【爲維持治安計】to maintain security、

【被迫增兵】obliged to increase its armed forces、

【不欲出此無可奈何之計】Since it was not willing to do so、

【念】in view of the presence of、

【實係不智】was not considered advisable、


【不再發生】would not take place、

【結論稱】In conclusion、



【毫無效果】without result、



【聲明】stated that、


【渺不相涉】had nothing to do with、

【確有其事】It was true that、



【業已舉行談判】negotiations had taken place、

【査無根據】are unfounded、

【再事解釋】give further explanations、

【竭誠尊重】fully respects、

【顯係】it was evident that、

【告停頓】had not been continued、

【不欲】not desire、

【實無受理之依據】there was no foundation for consideration、

【顯】It was clear that、

【一種形式間題】a mere formality、

【僉以爲】Considering that、



【正係伊本意】it had been his intention、


【不以為】did not think、


【為此目的】to this end、

【不啻】it would follow that、

【如其不然】but if that did not prove to be the case、


【有損於】be harm to、

【目下】in the meantime、

【至是應許】then agreed to、

【無殊】by implication、

【三强宣言】Three-Power Declaration、

【成立諒解】resulted in an understanding、

【除有不測事故發生外】unless unforseen circumstances arose、


【某種分子】certain elements、

【復大事宣傳】and to engage in propaganda、

【掀起戰禍】promote a new war、

【吾人不能謂】it could not be suggested that、

【幷不成就】had not been satisfied、

【再事聞問】further consideration、

【力言】stressed that、



【提具報告】make a report、


【其言曰】He stated that、

【以故】For that reason、

【俾】to enable、


【伊指出】He pointed out that、

【已告失敗】had failed、

【業已屆至】had passed、

【再事遷延】further delay、

【一俟】as soon as、

【廣績友好關係】the continuation of friendly relations、

【圓滿結束】being ended、

【枝節間題】questions of detail、



【之端】the beginning of、


【迄未解決】had not been settled、


【悉力赴事之信念】confidence in the effectiveness、

【基於上述種種理由】For those reasons、

【不以爲】did not consider that、

【果係如此】Such a procedure would mean that、



【遽爾夭折】die in its infancy、