


整日坐在椅子上会导致大腿后侧的腿筋紧绷。 这使伸直腿或保持膝盖伸直变得更加困难,从而阻碍了步行。 同样,当剧烈的拉伸突然需要紧绷的肌肉(例如打网球)时,突然的拉伸可能会损坏它们。 受伤的肌肉可能不足以支撑关节,这可能会导致关节受伤。

Sitting in a chair all day can cause tight hamstrings on the back of the thigh. This makes it more difficult to straighten your legs or keep your knees straight, which hinders walking. Similarly, when intense stretching suddenly requires tight muscles (such as playing tennis), the sudden stretching may damage them. The injured muscle may not be enough to support the joint, which may cause joint injury.